Monthly Tarotscope

February 2023

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

Hold on to what you have financially. This isn’t about you being miserly but it’s about you looking after your interests. Time to invest for the future and plan ways of increasing your net worth. You’re about to experience a change in direction and, whilst it may be daunting, you’re ready for the adventure. Some endings bring a degree of sorrow, and tears can be expected, but this passes. Let go with love and gratitude.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

There’s plenty to be doing! Rather than take everything on your own shoulders pass some of the responsibilities on. Let others pull their weight! There’s nothing to feel guilty about. It’s time to make room for new faces, places, and experiences and this does you a world of good. Words of warning: a previous argument is set to reignite. This time you have the wherewithal to sort it once and for all. Take no rubbish!

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

A plethora of opportunities are presented to you and it’s all very exciting but don’t let your heart rule your head. A lot of what’s on offer can come good but some offerings stand little chance of coming to fruition. Take your time to work through your options. If it all seems a little overwhelming bite size pieces work best. Romance could bring ‘The One’ into your orbit and life takes on a new meaning.

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

Some things are set to leave your life and the shift in emphasis gives cause for concern. This is only life changing patterns as some aspects disappear leaving room for new experiences to take their place. Don’t give in to feelings of despondency. Opportunities still present themselves and one in particular holds much promise and brings the changes you seek. Take control and drive your life forward. No one else can do it for you.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

Something is set to change, almost dramatically, and in the most unexpected of ways. This is no bad thing as it brings a welcome opportunity to rebuild from the bottom up and what you rebuild is far stronger in its foundation. A sense of relief is felt as a build-up of emotions is released and you feel refreshed for the experience. Now is the time to get in control and move on your own terms.

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

Feeling separated from those you love most? Some of this will be due to your own actions and nothing can be done to change that now. Use this time for contemplation and planning. Consider your own standards and principles and where you can compromise. Be warned against compromising too far though! That does no-one any favours in the long run. Don’t let the gossip of others get you down. Know yourself for your strength within.

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

Joint property ventures and business matters where partnerships are involved are looking good and you find yourself quite comfortable. Emotional matters also get a boost as an older man provides support and words of wisdom. That’s as much as he’ll provide though. The practical stuff is down to you and some of it brings a degree of upset. It’s all doable but, for a while, you’ll need to gird your loins and keep moving forward.

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

All things money, property, and career related come into focus. Potentially, you have the opportunity to invest in property on a joint basis and this can prove lucrative for you in the long run. Career also sees you making great strides forward and this is down to hard work and efforts previously made. Obviously, there will be some challenges to face but hold your nerve and all ends well. Walks in nature help release stress.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

Everything requires so much effort at the moment which is stopping you from moving forward with your normal energy, enthusiasm, and zest for life. Keep going! Spring is on the horizon and you’ll soon be out and about again. For now concentrate on helping those less fortunate than yourself. Remember that what goes around comes around. The gratitude and thanks you receive will lift your spirits and place you head and shoulders above the rest.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

Fertility and abundance surround you and, whilst there may be news of a pregnancy arriving, it’s fair to say that new ideas coming to you have a good chance of netting positive results. Take time to reflect and soul search as to what you really want for yourself. Luck is on your side and The Universe is listening. An old argument may reappear but you have the power to sort it once and for all.

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

It’s about time to let some emotions go! A walk in nature can be, simultaneously, relaxing and refreshing, and offer an opportunity to catch up with yourself. Two’s company and three’s a crowd. Someone considers moving on. It may be you, but whoever it is make sure you part on good terms, and leave the door open for future possibilities. Finances could need a balancing act but you can achieve much with planning and forethought.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

When it comes to doing a great job; you’re in the frame. Your knowledge, attention to detail, and commitment, get you noticed. It’s time to aim high! Have confidence in yourself and your abilities and you’ll go far. You’ll find yourself in the right place, at the right time, to capitalise on events and it won’t harm you to think outside the box now and again. Beware of manipulation either from others or from yourself!