Monthly Tarotscope

February 2024

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

This is no time for emotional outbursts! It’s time for the head to rule the heart and if this means recourse to a professional body to ensure you get your entitlement, then so be it. You’ve prevaricated enough over one situation at least and now it’s time for people to see exactly what you can achieve when you put your mind to it. It may be a balancing act but, with thought, you can succeed.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

Use logical thought process as circumstances change. Keep emotions in check and retain a cool head throughout. Nothing stays the same for ever and the changes before you are nothing more than the natural passage of time. There is nothing to fear and much to embrace as a new sense of peace and contentment find you. Recourse to professional help may be required and sometimes you may feel a little isolated. Ultimately, it’s all good.

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

Now would be a good time to look at future security for you and yours. What ensures everyone remains comfortable and safe? A change of address or, simply, an upgrade of your current abode. The latter may suffice! Whatever you do financially ensure something’s kept back for future growth. You may have to stand your ground with some situations. Be firm but fair and all will be well. Don’t be manipulated and resist manipulating others.

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

Caution is your watchword here! Options need serious thought as not everything is as clear cut as it could be and some choices have implications not previously considered. Added to this someone could be taking from you something to which they’re not entitled, not necessarily in as physical sense, so you will need to have your wits about you. There is one though who genuinely needs your help and support. Give to that individual freely.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

On one point you’ve been proved right and are showered with respect and admiration for your foresight, efforts, and the results you’ve achieved. Don’t let this go to your head; but you can bask in the glory for a while before others beat a path to your door asking for your help and guidance. This could deplete your energies but know that one request could turn into something wonderful for you. Eyes and ears open!

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

Many opportunities present themselves which is wonderful but please ensure that you read the small print of everything proposed. Something isn’t quite all it seems and you could find yourself storing up trouble for the future. Judge situations with compassion and fairness and make sure everyone gets their due. Your kindness will be repaid fully in times to come as others appreciate the effort you make now and will flock to pay homage to you.

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

You’re blessed with some very strong folk around you at the moment and they all will you to succeed at whatever you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid of approaching professional individuals if necessary as their input could help you enormously. There’s the possibility of a new joint venture, either in business or property, and an older female guides your path. Listen to her wisdom; you’ll learn much and grow immeasurably. Finances could improve dramatically.

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

There’s hard work ahead and the sooner you start the sooner you’ll finish. It may feel like the same old, same old, but there’s a little gem of an opportunity on the horizon. Money, and historical mistakes, continue to play a part but what’s gone has gone and apportioning blame doesn’t help. A message brings good news; believe what you hear. This brings an opportunity which, if used wisely, sets you fair for future events.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

You’re known for, and are acclaimed for, doing a thorough job. This finds you in demand! A change in employment? Aim high but know the verdict of others will hold sway. You may not get everything you’d hoped for but this period presents you with a springboard from which to propel yourself forward. Changes for the better are on their way but some things will have to go in order to let the new in.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

This month has some challenges to overcome; but you’ll overcome them! Gossip reaches your ears which may implicate you. Don’t let this get you down. It’s nothing more than idle chit chat and you haven’t the time to waste on it. You’ve more important things to attend to in life. Don’t let anyone take anything from you to which they’re not entitled. Is this a wakeup call to start doing things very differently in future?

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

Celebrations abound as folk wish to raise a glass to you, not only for a birthday, but to acknowledge your accomplishments as well. Wonderful as all that is something doesn’t seem to be sitting quite right with you and there’s a degree of sadness in the air. You’re called on to help someone less fortunate than yourself. Do all you can with love and kindness. You never know when you may be in need yourself.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

Many choices are before you but you’d be wise to take your time before making any irrevocable decisions. Thinking outside the box is to be encouraged as wild and whacky thoughts run through your head. Don’t dismiss any of these out of hand. Held within those thoughts is an absolute gem of an idea but wait a while before acting. Don’t succumb to the dreamer within. Future security is the main area for serious consideration.