Monthly Tarotscope

March 2023

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

The adventure starts here. A whole new direction and way forward. There’s the suggestion of a change of location affecting your living arrangements, or your business, and this should be welcomed with open arms. It remains imperative to look after your finances and hold onto all that you, and others, have worked hard for. The past plays a part in current decisions but don’t be tempted to wear rose coloured spectacles. It wasn’t all good!

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

Potentially, you’re caught between a rock and a hard place and can’t see a clear way forward. Be patient! This is a temporary situation and you’ll soon be on your way again. Don’t let fears and worries get the better of you but spend time resting and relaxing. Home provides great comfort and solace. Something from the past could be on its way back but remember you’re a different person now and so much wiser!

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

Career and finances are the main themes now with investments in property ventures a distinct possibility. You may find yourself caught in a fine balancing act as you try to get the best out of money available to you but, with a little forethought, you can succeed. Taking time out for you works wonders and simply existing on your own terms brings welcome relief. Some tangles will sort themselves out given nothing more than time.

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

Neck and shoulder issues could give cause for concern and it would be wise to seek appropriate help. Alternatively, are you shouldering too much responsibility? Then delegate! There’s no shame in letting others pull their weight. We’re looking at balance here and where redress can be sought. Be fair to all concerned otherwise resentments fester but there’s no need for you to take sole responsibility. A woman of wisdom and standing offers her full support.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

A low mood can spiral out of control if you let it. Develop good sleeping patterns, eat well, and be kind to yourself. There’s cause for celebration with all manner of folk, for a raft of reasons, and this sees you in your element as more than one glass is raised to you and your achievements. BUT! They ‘aint seen nothin’ yet” as the Universe pushes you further up the ladder of success. Aim high!

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

Your goals ARE in sight! However: it needs a final push from you and you’re encouraged to keep going. Gather your reserves of strength and you’ll soon shake off the things which have held you back, or hindered you, and be assured that the way forward is so much brighter and healthier for everyone. Keep tight lipped about your plans as someone isn’t who they claim to be and could cause disruption. Watch your back.

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

What goes around comes around and you’re encouraged to offer help and support to others as you’ve been helped by in the past and will be helped again in the future. It’s this support which gets us all through life. You and another can achieve much if you work together, as a team, towards a common goal. Aim high, focus on your dreams, put the effort in, and success will follow. The Universe offers extra assistance!

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

The Universe provides an almighty push to achieve your full potential so prepare to play your part. Learning and exams feature largely, as do fresh starts in business and career. Don’t let the worry of how this is going to pan out cause sleepless nights. That doesn’t help and can drag you down. Female health can be a cause for concern and any niggles require appropriate advice. An older male will offer staunch, emotional, support.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

Something’s set to arrive in your world lighting it up with vibrant, rainbow coloured, hues. There’s the potential for much joy and happiness but there’s a caveat! It seems you’re too busy or don’t feel you deserve this good fortune. The good news is that you’re not too busy and you certainly do deserve it. Let go of feelings of guilt, delegate where possible, not everything rests on your shoulders, and stop holding yourself back!

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

A very happy time for you and you should be experiencing a lightness of spirit not felt for a while. There’s a fly in the ointment though and it comes from someone gossiping and making mischief. Someone you wouldn’t have believed would do such a thing! This could cause heartache but don’t let it get you down. Ultimately, you’re well placed for a brand new start in one area at least and you’re going places!

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

The future needs planning and heartfelt conversation with those closest to you. You all need to talk, openly and honestly, and you all need to actively listen. You have ideas aplenty and cannot wait to be on your way but patience is advised. A new path opening up will be full of adventure, thrills, and some spills, but you’ll be fine providing you prepare! Take that leap of faith; you don’t know where you’ll land.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

Hold tight as you may be in stormy waters. Patience will see you through. More than one opportunity is on offer and whilst one in particular appears to tick every box, be realistic! This may not be as it appears. This isn’t the time for wishful thinking. You’d be better to wait for everything to calm down before making your final decision. Be considerate towards others and be prepared to offer assistance where it’s required.