Monthly Tarotscope

March 2024

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

The need for balance continues, particularly around finance. An old argument resurfaces and someone appears to be trying to bully, or at the very least, force their will on you. Time to sort this once and for all! It may require you walk away for a while simply to regroup; but you will return so much stronger. Take good care of finances if you want to see the bank balance grow. An inheritance is possible.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

Potentially something, or someone, has a vice like grip on you and your only course of action is to walk away. At this point you’re not going to win. You will eventually, just not right now. Finances require a bit of clever thinking in order for the books to balance but this is achievable and you’re more than capable of the task in hand. Thinking outside the box is enormously helpful and brings good results.

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

Finances continue to dominate the landscape and the devil is in the detail. You can be your own worst enemy sometimes! Free yourself from outworn ideas and don’t hold yourself back. You’re more than capable of achieving anything you set your mind to but remember to keep a check on the bank balance. Still considering a change of address? Might be wisest to be patient for a while longer. An inheritance is a possibility now.

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

Spring is nearly upon us and you’re feeling ready to take on new adventures. This is the time to reinvent yourself and there is much for you to happily anticipate. A new chapter in career and/or business could well be in the offing with new places and faces beckoning. A holiday in the sun could also be in the mix. Whatever comes your way revel in life. Connect with your inner child and have fun.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

It’s all about achieving balance and this could be anything from a stalemate in a situation to balancing the finances. Be methodical and take it one step at a time. It might be worthwhile making a list, prioritising your chores, and completing one job before moving onto the next. This is all achievable; application of self is necessary. As time passes some things start to resolve themselves requiring no more than a tweak from you.

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

Be careful of whom you share what with as someone could be working against you and will happily throw a spanner into the workings of your life. You may have to stand your ground but ensure you brook no nonsense. There doesn’t have to be a full scale battle, you don’t even have to fall out with anyone, but don’t be manipulated nor you manipulate others. This needs a fine balancing act but you’ll succeed.

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

A new hope resides within you and you can believe that things are set to improve. This isn’t going to happen overnight but trust the Universe is on your side. Many offers are coming your way from work to romance, and new beginnings start to open up for you. Not everything promised, or even suggested, will materialise but sufficient will to make your experiences enjoyable. The older female continues to offer her support and guidance.

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

Rest assured that your wishes are being heard and, at last, much brighter times are ahead. The worst of one situation is behind you. Finances continue to dominate and you’re cautioned to put something away for the future. There’s no need to become a miser; that won’t win you any friends but splashing the cash doesn’t win real friends either. Career prospects look set to hit a positive phase with a fresh approach bringing rewards.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

Finances could require your attention and figures going over with a fine tooth comb. Historically, errors may have been made and are only now coming to light. Fortunately, past kindnesses are about to be repaid and help arrives to support you. It may be it’s time to move on and you can’t wait to put this phase behind you. This is a whole new adventure. A clandestine relationship doesn’t bring the joy you’d hoped for.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

Good omens abound though the gossip continues. Rise above it and don’t give in to any feelings of despondency. Life may seem a little uncertain but know that this passes. Instead of trying to push forward, exercise patience, and wait for things to become clearer. You’ll soon know how to proceed. There is a small opportunity on your horizon but it’s minuscule. Keep your eyes open otherwise you’ll miss it and the potential it brings.

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

Home is where the heart is and you’re offered the perfect opportunity to close the door on the world outside and avail yourself of some, serious, chillax time. Feel content, secure, and happy, but don’t become complacent or be tempted to rest on your laurels for too long. This isn’t how the world works! Someone close isn’t too delighted with this scenario but don’t let any back biting get you down. Rise above it all.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

A bit of a ‘push you; pull me’ vibe appears to be hanging around you now. Try to maintain your equilibrium and stay focused on the main topic up for consideration. You have every chance of making the right choices and decisions and, ultimately, coming out on top. Don’t be afraid to take time out for rest and recuperation. Sitting quietly and letting your mind wander won’t do any harm; for now at any rate.