Monthly Tarotscope

April 2022

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

Put your glad rags on and prepare to celebrate! Be it with family, friends, or colleagues, you’re the toast of the town. You’ve worked, and fought, long and hard and now see the rewards for all this effort. Time to take a well-earned rest and consider, carefully, the proposals coming your way. Don’t rush anything and read the small print carefully as not everything promised will come to fruition. Life takes on a steadier pace.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

Gather your courage, strength, and determination, and all will be well. You may have to dig deep on occasions but whatever challenges arise you deal with them relatively easily. Offer assistance to others where you can and know this will be repaid to you fully in your time of need. What goes around comes around. New opportunities are presented to you but not everything will deliver exactly on its initial promise. Still; good times ahead!

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

Something, or someone, from the past is set to reappear. Whilst it’s lovely to reminisce it’s important to acknowledge you’re no longer the person you once were. Rose tinted spectacles do you no favours and you should beware of becoming a little dispirited with the here and now. One small development can turn into something really wonderful but you’ll need to grasp the opportunity! This sets you onto a new trajectory and lifts your mood.

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

Feeling a little low? Come along now, let’s get this into perspective before it all spirals out of control. Plenty of sleep helps, none of this sleepless nights business, and a healthy diet. The potential is strong for new places and new faces to come into view and this brings a new confidence and light heartedness with it. Time to move on, embracing all that life has to offer, you’ll be pleased that you did.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

You appear to be ‘sitting pretty’ and can offer insight and words of wisdom to many in your sphere. This attitude is most helpful and very welcome. New business opportunities open up and you’re encouraged to step up to the plate. Stand tall, be proud, acknowledge your worth, and lead by example. Something from the past reappears or resonates with today. Take the lessons learned back then and let them guide you in current situations.

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

Offers and propositions come your way! Whilst there’s the potential for much joy and happiness, please ensure you read the small print, and scour every detail, as not everything will come to fruition. A lot of it may but not everything will. Be realistic! Fortunately there’s a lot of support around you from older females and you can rely on their wisdom, and judgement, to give you a better understanding of events. They help enormously!

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

Fresh starts are always exciting and you’re presented with a blank page on which to start the next chapter in your life. There’s much to be done and much which can be achieved but have confidence in yourself that you can, and will, succeed. Balance of mind, body, and spirit, is essential and you’re encouraged to look after yourself. The rest will be, relatively, plain sailing from thereon. Spending quality time at home helps enormously.

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

There’s some very karmic influences surrounding you. Accept where you are. If you’re experiencing a low, remember, that nothing remains the same for ever and, if you’re on a high, enjoy yourself but know this isn’t a permanent state of affairs. Relying on your head and not your heart is paramount so keep your emotions in check. New adventures beckon and you can’t wait to be on your way but, for now, exercise patience, please.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

Time for a rest! It may be wise to make the most of this mini-break as good news arrives and you’re going to have to move fast, think on your feet, and make some important, snap, decisions. You’ll require all of your speed and dexterity to achieve the best possible outcome. This is more than doable so don’t sweat the small stuff and don’t give in to sleepless nights. Romance could be in the air.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

The new start previously suggested continues to resonate now. Offers and propositions come your way but you’re urged to read the small print, and between the lines, before committing to anything. Most of what’s offered will materialise; some of it won’t. You’ll have to call on all your reserves of strength and determination to sort the wheat from the chaff but it’s all doable. Don’t compromise too far or you’ll regret it in the future.

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

Time to move on but there’s no rush. Exercising patience now allows for other opportunities to appear and these can enhance your future experience dramatically. Don’t push against what’s not being offered. Everything will fall into place exactly as it should, at exactly the time it should, and it’ll be far better than ever imagined. Prepare for celebrations later in the month as friends and family toast you for simply being your, very, unique self.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

Whether in a business or romantic sense there’s the potential to meet your soul mate and, together, you can move mountains. It’s as if this is the part of you that you’ve been looking for all along. Or is it? Don’t rush into anything and, whatever the outcome, be prepared to accept it with good grace. You have all the skills, knowledge, and wisdom, at your fingertips to guide you through any challenges that arise.