Monthly Tarotscope

November 2022

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

Choices made require a lot of thought and honesty with yourself. Can you really commit to something offered? Pay attention to any niggling doubts and hold fire as it’s possible that something could come back to haunt you at a later date. Compromises made must work for all parties including you. Good news arrives and a trusted friend helps matters enormously. It’s a steep learning curve but you’ll be so much wiser after the process.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

Prepare for some tears as one situation draws to a close. Potentially this is around business which by default affects finance, or foreign shores. Bite the bullet and be assured that whatever ends now does so in order to make room for new experiences and circumstances to develop. Take life one step at a time. List your tasks and prioritise them before working through them, one at a time, systematically. Bite size pieces are invaluable.

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

Feeling despondent? Don’t! Life is much better than you realise with some wonderful opportunities around you. One in particular could set your world alight though it’s not going to happen overnight so, for all you can’t wait to be on your way, you’re asked to be patient for a while longer. This is good as you view your choices from many angles and decide on your best way forward. The future is actually very bright!

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

Hold tight as it could be a bumpy ride and you could feel circumstances are beyond your control. If something is about to leave your life then accept this is nothing more than life making way for new experiences to come your way and bigger, and better, things to arrive. This is nothing more than a pause and does pass. A close friend has good news and you can rely on it to be true.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

One situation remains in a state of tangle and will need a large amount of thought and effort to unpick the threads. Some resolutions will only appear given time and space to work through! Delegate where possible; letting others help where appropriate. They’re more than capable of taking some of the strain and there’s nothing to feel guilty about in asking for assistance. This phase does pass and you then begin to navigate calmer waters.

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

Things are on the up as life and luck should now start to turn in your favour. There’s a very positive vibration around you and, where you once had doubters and detractors, there’s now applause and recognition for your wisdom and resultant actions. Take your due but know that you can build further on your current successes. It won’t happen overnight and some issues still require patience and wisdom before a full resolution is reached.

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

Overall a positive month with the potential for joy, love, and laughter, and a feeling that all’s well in your world. However, some niggle isn’t sitting quite right with you and this has the potential to bring you down if you let it. Don’t let it! This is s minor blip and not worth worrying, nor losing sleep, over. Be guided by your head and not your heart. You’ll soon realise your worries are needless.

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

Keep grounded and don’t let your heart rule your head. You could meet ‘The One’ this month! That’s wonderful but, for now, keep your options open and wait for your emotions to level out before making any kind of commitment. Something may not be all it seems. If they, really and truthfully, are the one then their light will continue to shine as you get your bearings. Balancing mind, body, and spirit are imperative now.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

Potentially, you may be awaiting the outcome of others decisions. None of this is in your hands but you must accept the verdict with good grace before moving on. There’s an element of Karma surrounding events now. Emotionally something, or someone, connects strongly to you and you know, with certainty, you’re now on the right path. It could all lead to something wonderful. Be patient for a while and let life unfold as it should.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

Stay or go? Think long and hard before making your decision as there will be no going back. There’s the chance for your world to be lit in glorious technicolour as something, or someone, strikes at the very heart of you and revives your spirit. Or at least it would if only you’d let go of any feelings of guilt. Others have played their part in current situations. Let them shoulder some of the responsibility.

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

If life seems to be either moving slowly, or at a standstill even, this is no bad thing. You’re being offered the opportunity to view your situation from every available angle and to decide where you would be best making a few tweaks. Time spent outdoors enjoying nature and the simple pleasures in life refreshes you. There’s a lot of goodwill coming your way from a lot of folk. It’s well deserved so enjoy it!

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

Finances could require a balancing act to make them workable but this is doable. It just takes careful planning that’s all. It’s important not to burn the candle at both ends so rest where possible in order to face challenges as they arise. One such challenge could be around an old argument which, somehow, refuses to go away. This time it’s up to you to sort it once and for all. Your word is final!